Our Current Position

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Not there yet!

Well since the last post progress has been slow due to a combination of waiting on parts and taking priority in the boatyard but we are getting there. We are now waiting on the weather to die down to go out for a test run with the engine.

The engine returning to it's rightful place

Engine in place and new seawater filter and fuel manifold plumbed in

New Fueld Manifold System

New Desalination System

Thursday, 3 September 2015

September Update on the Upgrade

Well it's been a long time since the first post in February, when we naively thought that the upgrade was underway with the arrival of the new anchor! Things have taken a little longer than anticipated, partly because we have been away and partly because we had a catastrophe when the heat exchanger on the engine failed, allowing seawater into the coolant side of the engine. This has required some serious work and X- Pat currently has no engine.

Engine Bay with no engine!

On removal the drive plate was found to be heavily corroded and not serviceable.
Corroded drive plate

Thankfully we were insured and the team at QService have the engine looking almost like new and ready to go back home.

New Drive Plate and Renovated Engine
Also in our absence the new diesel tank and new hot water tank have been installed and the new anchor and chain are in place. What was a very long list of jobs for the upgrade is beginning to get a bit shorter.
New diesel tank under starboard bunk

New Hot Water Tank in Port Cabin Locker
Hopefully the engine will be back in within the next week and then it'll be time for a sail and try out all the new gear.

Still on the Gold Coast

After a lot of debate we decided a few weeks ago that we would give up with trying to get the autopilot fixed here on the Gold Coast and jus...