Our Current Position

Monday, 4 January 2016

Day 28- Chillin at Tinpot Bay

We were pestered by the dreaded mozzies last night so not much sleep. It was therefore a slow morning but we eventually got the dinghy inflated and went ashore to explore. 

It took us a while to find a path through the bush that actually went anywhere, but we eventually made it across the peninsular to a beautiful beach on the north side. I had a bit of a walk along the tideline surveying the debris whilst Debi sat on a rustic swing and listened to the sea.

We then headed back to the dinghy and rowed home. We collected a few mussels for bait on the way back and managed to catch the first edible fish (flathead) of the trip in the evening. Fish and chips for supper!

I also did further investigations on the wiring of our wind speed indicator which doesn't seem to be working.  Nothing obviously wrong and so we are resigned to having to guess the wind speed for the rest of the trip!

The contemplating swing

Plastic straws get everywhere. Please don't use them.

Tinpot beach

At anchor, Tinpot Bay, South Bruny Island

1 comment:

  1. I caught one of those in Perth! Supposed to be tasty if I remember correctly! x


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