Our Current Position

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Days 41- 45 Start of the Long Trip Back

It’s been a while since the last update largely due to a lack of cellphone signal.

On Monday we set off fairly early from Chinaman’s Bay at Maria Island. We had a mixed trip starting off motor sailing due to a lack of wind and then having to reef the main due to too much wind. That is a typical days sailing here! We did a total of 62 nm that day and anchored in Wineglass Bay, which was our first port of call in Tasmania exactly a month ago.

On Tuesday (19th) we spent the morning tidying the boat and making preparations for crossing the Bass Strait. This included cooking a big pot of chilli and filling the water tanks. We then took the opportunity to escape from the boat whilst we could. We took the dinghy ashore and had a nice walk up Mount Graham (we think) on the Freycinet peninsular. There were good views from the top but it was a bit hazy to see too far. By the time we got back down after a four-hour walk our bodies were in shock having not walked that far for a long time! Our trip ashore culminated in hilarity when Debi was once again swept overboard from the dinghy by a massive six inch wave! Given that she was drenched she then did the honourable thing and swam back to the boat.

We set off from Wineglass at 0730 on Wednesday with a destination of Eden on the NSW coast. We had a good sail for most of the day but the wind died in the evening and we spent last night motor sailing all night. So progress has been slow.  We had light winds most of Thursday and so decided to change to our No. 1 headsail, which is much larger than the standard cruising headsail that we have been using. This has allowed us to finally turn off the engine and enjoy the sound of the water rushing past. Well to be honest not really rushing as we are only doing 5.5 knots but it still sounds nice. As I write this we are 85 nm east of Flinders Island with 170nm to go to Eden. It’s going to be a while until I get a signal to send this!

First Walk for a while up Mount Graham

The Beautiful Wineglass Bay, X-Pat is in the photo

Debi Overboard!

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